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The Smart Brand Masterclass
The journey ahead
What you'll learn in this course (2:29)
About your instructor
Some key context (13:19)
The Smart Brand Masterclass
Step 1: Pick a problem. (6:39)
Step 2: Define your consumer. (6:42)
Step 3: Clarify your offer. (6:01)
Step 4: Give it a name. (6:47)
Step 5: Make it official. (9:04)
Step 6: Get visible. (6:09)
Step 7: Hit the streets. (7:53)
Step 8: Grab the mic. (8:39)
Step 9: Design your funnel. (8:54)
Step 10: Commit to serving. (8:03)
Bonus resources
The Pick a Problem Worksheet
The Define Your Consumer Worksheet
The Clarify Your Offer Worksheet
The Make It Official Checklist
The Design Your Funnel Worksheet
The Smart Brand Playbook: Ultimate Edition
Before you leave...
Let's recap (14:14)
What did you think?
Step 9: Design your funnel.
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